I'm creating this post because I could not find 1 documented case online where this patch helped somebody with this issue or is even talked about for that matter. Unfortunately I cannot link it because I downloaded hundreds of files all at once so I cannot remember where I downloaded the "LargeAddress" GTA San Andreas patch from. No more pop-in, no more unloading to LOD, no more crashing after 5-10 minutes of travel with LOTS of HD textures.

exe file patch on my computer for San Andreas called "LargeAddress". I was about to just give up on San Andreas all together. No matter which stream memory fix I used, no matter WHAT I did. After installing a LOT of different HD texture packs on top of each other (like the Beautification project for example) & driving or flying around for about 10 minutes the game was causing the world to unload to LOD then crash 100% of the time.